The Secret History
The Secret History (1) is a zine exploring history and calligraphically-inspired typography in a journal evocative of the Secret History by Procopius, contemporary of the Emperor Justinian and Empress Theodora around the 6th century AD. I don’t know if he was passed up for promotion or what, but Procopius wasn’t a fan of the regime—The Secret History was his unauthorized exposé on the abuses of the Justinian court. With such titles as: “How Justinian Killed a Trillion People,” and “How Theodora, Most Depraved of All Courtesans, Won His Love,” and best of all, “Proving That Justinian and Theodora Were Actually Fiends in Human Form.” In that last tale he suggests that the Emperor is a vampire and his head can become separated from his body and fly around, terrorizing advisors.