Movies. Movie Posters. The two go hand-in-hand. I've talked about my love of film and movie posters in my Movie Poster projects. But what do I get out of film? Scott McCloud in his book "Understanding Comics" talks about the gap between panels in a comic book.

The power of editing, splicing between two images, gives the audience so much narrative power. We determine how fast the axe fell, how violent the scene was, how loud the scream was, and even if the axe fell at all. We are complicit in this act by creating a scenario that exists between the panels. I approach my movies in a similar way, buy exploring the interesting transitions between scenes and using the motion video format as this formula= Collage + Pacing
I went undiagnosed with sleep apnea for years (treated successfully now!) and suffered from an inability to not only sleep, but to dream. My body and mind were kept from the deep REM dreaming state that I began to wonder that I was creating my dreams in the waking world through my work,
If I was dreaming while wide awake, was I open to the kind of logic that existed only in a dream? It's nothing to connect a world made out of butterscotch populated by sentient potted ferns to what I remember of Paris, Texas in a dream, but during the day we demand "realism." Scientists have shown that while we sleep our brains produce the same chemical responses to stimuli as we would when we were awake, just in lower quantities. In essence, sleep is just the mind dulled, not different. If we were to dream of a sabre tooth tiger attacking us, the same fight or flight triggers rise within us, just muted. They also go to point out that this same response to stimuli even happens while awake if we THINK about a sabre tooth tiger attacking us. Whether the dream, the thought, or the actual action, the brain interprets it exactly the same, just in different intensity.
So if the brain responds to all stimuli the same, just in different degrees, then as makers we need to realize the power of editing, pacing, and story within our work.
My own attempt at a Dadaist poem.